Friday, October 1, 2010

one more thing for # 1


  1. as it said, one more thing for # 1, after all that about food, ani rose said to take some comfort food along and i laffed.....but tonite i really needed a bowl of soup! so, after discussing various reataurants with our spanish friend, we toddled down to the corner and got some stryrofoam ramen cups and came back and did them up! just hit the ole spot! i think somehow cooking anything for oneself has a lot of power!!
    signing out for now....

  2. Hi guys. i hope you are having a good time. what happens next?

    all is well here

  3. hi elaine, did you see our fotos on facebook?
    i am pretty sure those are tapestry weavings. they were so cool. took them pix for you....soon we leave guanajuato.
